
We help to change people’s lives for the better, and that’s an amazing business to be in. To give you a bit of insight about us, we’e a one-stop platform and trusted guide which will help to inform a student’s entire educational journey. We empower students worldwide with information and knowledge to make better, more informed decisions about their future. At Edvoy, coming to work every day brings great rewards. It’s never just a job; you’ll be helping students from all over the world take their first step on a journey that will shape and define the rest of their lives.

Student empowerment is our reason for getting out of bed every day.


We expect you to go above and beyond every day, and so in recognition of that we will reward you with amazing benefits to let you know just how much we appreciate your efforts and your hard work.

Culture of learning and Development

Flexible work hours and time off

A global community

Who we look for

Our ambition is to become the world’s best, most trusted, most transparent and innovative education website and consultancy service for students.

But in order to achieve that we need extraordinary people.

We measure our success by the success of our students. Helping people from every walk of life towards a learning journey that is perfectly suited to them is a passion that has simply become a way of life for us. And because of this passion we know exactly who we’re looking for when we interview a new team member.

Our culture and values

The way we like to work informs everything we do at Edvoy. We’re committed to empowering students to live their student life to the full, and the positive influence we have on their future makes us feel amazing. Our commitment to always achieve what is best for our students is reflected in our core values.


Every day is a school day for us. Just because we left college a while ago, doesn’t mean we’re not still learning. We’re always curious; constantly questioning and discovering new things to make our service better.


We are courageous thinkers, fixers, makers and doers. We’ll always think outside the box to make something incredible happen; it’s how we empower students to open up the world of education.


The success of our students is our reason for being and so we will always have their best interests at heart over any financial gain. Our advice and knowledge is honest and trusted. We’ll never settle for telling them what we think they want to hear.


We think big, aim high and are relentless in our efforts to stand up for what we believe in. When it comes to tech we believe the boundaries are there to be pushed in order to create the best possible experience for our students.


We exist to help make great things happen in our students lives. But life is a two way street. Empowered students need an empowered team, and this is the way we love to work. We always take ownership and responsibility.


We don’t just want to build a team, we want to build a community, because that’s when great things happen.

If you’re as obsessed with going the extra mile to empower your students as we are; if you believe that you should always listen attentively, speak candidly and treat others respectfully; then we have faith in the positive influence you can add to our community.

Make a difference

Things don’t always come easy.

Whilst some students will know exactly what they want to achieve, others will need more of a guiding hand. We’ll rely on you to always do the best for every student; going the extra mile to discover what each individual requires and always being motivated to put their interests firstranslations?.We’re not here to give passive advice; we’re here to make a difference.